Lift off…

© ESA – CNES ……………….. This site is now ready to be launched into space.

We got there… The Chuck’s Rigging website has finally been given the go ahead for lift off

Port hand Maraket Pile – Jolly Harbour, Antigua

It has been in the works for a while, many twists and turns but I am finally happy to make these pages available to all who may be interested.   The lead pages are about my rigging business, the rest is about what I have been doing over the last 40 years in my sailing world, places visited, storms endured, regattas won or lost, which is probably not as important as the wonderful crew I have sailed with.

This latter section is going to be very random, sometimes introducing you to hobbies I have taken up, sometimes just nice pictures and the odd anecdote.   Over time I may add new pages, just because I have had a new idea.   If you come across model trains or planes, do not be surprised, my life has been varied and although sailing has been the primary driving force, I have many other interests.

And then we stopped, mid Atlantic for a couple of days

At times, there is no wind, seas are calm and time comes to a standstill.   There is no better moment whilst the brain is churning to pick up a bit of line, bar of soap or anything which is at hand, and start fiddling with it…   Who knows what can be done?   Whilst it is quiet, some start reading up on the long forgotten Astro Nav and put it back into practice.  

An alternative would be to sit back and enjoy life as it is.

During a long Atlantic crossing, I even resorted to my computer and designed sight reduction forms to work by themselves.  This has a practical end, making long calculations and books almost redundant. I also use them to check on students’ sights, rather than having to do all the calculations.   Once you do something, anything, time starts to move again and eventually you get to your destination.

Who knows where this website will lead me, whenever I have that spare time, I will endeavour to keep things interesting and if I happen to be at sea for a while, it will just wait until my return to the world of Webs…